It's important for the therapy experience to reflect/explore our lived experience. Our experience of our gender and how we experience sexuality are important components of that. Family and community pressures or expectations can interfere with our development and with us becoming/being our true selves. Sometimes this appears as direct prejudice or violence, or it may appear in more subtle ways or micro aggressions. Healing from those hurts from others, and healing from what we ourselves have internalized can lead to relief, improved self-esteem and well-being.
It may be important to discuss:
The challenges of dating, relationships and hooking up
Coming out including family and community expectations
Sex and sexuality
Gender expectations
The impact of trauma including bullying, workplace harassment or gender/sexual orientation-related violence
Social networks or social isolation
I work within in a framework that recognizes the impact of discrimination caused by transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism and how it may be influenced by gender bias, racism and ability. EMDR could help.
I work with people who fall on the LGBTQ spectrum including people who identify as queer, trans, gay, lesbian, bi, questioning, gender non-conforming, genderqueer, non-binary and 2Spirit.